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Pursuant to Article 3 of the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data, personal data refers to any information relating to a specific or identifiable natural person. MAB Turkey A.Ş., as the “data controller”, and in accordance with the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data, shall record, store, update, process and transfer your data to third parties in accordance with the law.
Explicit consent of the data subject (Art.5/1) as per the PDP Law -It is mandatory for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligation (Art.5/2.ç) Within the scope of personal data processing conditions, the data obtained by keeping log records over the system from devices such as computers used in our company can be processed in order to respond to legal requests, to monitor compliance with workplace rules and to provide technical support.
Kişisel veri işleme şartları dahilinde şirketimizde kullanılan bilgisayar vb. cihazlardan sistem üzerinden log kayıtlarının tutulması ile elde edilen verilerin toplandığı ve verilere yasal taleplere cevap verebilmek, işyeri kurallarına uyumu denetlemek ve teknik destek vermek amacıyla işlenebilecektir.
It may be transferred to affiliate companies, business partners, suppliers, company officials, legally authorized public institutions and private persons in accordance with Articles 8 and 9 of the PDP Law.
Your personal data are collected by our Company verbally or in writing through forms on the website, telephone, e-mail, correspondence and similar media for the legal reasons specified in Article 2 of this Clarification Text. Your collected personal data may also be processed and transferred in accordance with the PDP Law and and for the purposes specified in Articles 2 and 3 of this Clarification Text.
Pursuant to Article 11 of Law No. 6698, you have the right to learn whether your personal data has been deleted, request information if your personal data has been processed, learn the purpose of processing and whether it is used in accordance with this purpose, know the persons to whom your personal data have been transferred, request the correction of your personal data if it is incomplete or incorrectly processed, the deletion or destruction of your personal data in cases regulated by the Law, and the notification of these two situations to the persons with whom your data are shared, and you have the right to object to the processing of your data exclusively through an automated system in the event of an outcome against you and request compensation for your damages in case your data is processed in violation of the law.
You may communicate your rights listed above to our Company in writing with wet signature or by using the registered electronic mail (KEP) address, secure electronic signature, mobile signature or the electronic mail address previously notified to our Company by the person concerned and registered in our Company’s system.
Address for written applications: MAB TURKEY A.Ş., Venezia AVM, J Blok, Kat: 3, Ofis No: J76, GOP – İSTANBUL.
You can submit your application via the Application Form on our website. In order for a person other than the personal data owner to make a request, there must be a special power of attorney issued by the personal data owner on behalf of the person who is to make the application. Duly submitted requests will be finalized free of charge within thirty days at the latest. The Company may request additional information if it deems necessary to determine whether the applicant is the personal data owner and to evaluate the requests, and may ask the personal data owner questions about the application in order to clarify the issues specified in the application.